From walking babies to pre schoolers, Gym Tots is a great way to start your child on their own healthy journey. Exercise and movement are things that children love naturally, let's encourage them!
Gym Tots
Fun movement and fitness for walking babies to pre school age children. Gym Tots is a fun fitness session focused on getting walking babies and pre school age children to move around various different circuits. Parents stay with their children and help them navigate climbing, jumping, hopping, swinging, bar hanging and lots of other natural movements! You'll love seeing your children progress each week and they really do progress! Watch as they work out how to climb up ladders, swing from bars and run around our spacious venues.
Gym Tots is a fun movement session where children can find their feet and really enjoy freedom of movement and discover new skills. They can explore the circuits at their own pace and learn how to interact with other children. Their social skills will develop along with their fine and gross motor skills (small and large movements).
Gym Tots is run as a six or seven week course and is £36/£42 per term depending on length of term.